We care about the environment

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Green Hampshire is provided purely for the purposes of information only and is in no way responsible or involved with the arrangement, implementation or execution of any of the events listed on this site.


Whilst every effort is taken to ensure the information on this site is correct and up todate this is not always possible. Before going on any of the events listed on this site, you should directly contact the organisers of the event for further information.


Please liaise with them directly for full information about starting times, locations, parking restrictions, equipment and clothing required, catering requirements and any other factors that may apply. In particular please ensure you have all appropriate footwear and gloves and other items that might be needed for conservation work and ensure you are familiar with all the requirements of the work you will be carrying out before undertaking it.


Green Hampshire does not accept any responsibility or liability for the cancellation or alteration of any of the events listed on this site or any damage or loss arising as a result. Green Hampshire does not accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury, loss of property or income or any other loss or damage arising from any accident or incident occurring at any of the events listed. You should ensure you are clear about the arrangements and any details concerning insurance prior to taking part.

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